Melichrous Doe Bread

We started to use bread baked by Melichrous Doe.  Micheal bakes this delicious, nutritious, and beautiful bread right here in Celo.   We were buying Ezekiel Sprouted Bread, but now we can use the same money to support the local business. Well, all that is wonderful, but would children like the bread, I wondered over the weekend.  When I introduced it, they loved it.  They had many questions like "Why there are so many holes?" and "Why is it so dark at the bottom?"  I said to Michael maybe we can come over to observe him make a loaf or to see the fire to heat the oven.  He said "Sure!"  Michael's daughter Gina thought it was great that we are using the bread at her old school.  "Lucky little ones!"  (she was there not too long ago)